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- Collection15
- Document35
- Event12
- Nth Queensland Television Video1560
- Title...
- Onset Media commercials 9
- Mixed news file footage 7
- News file 7
- News file 7
- NQTV News 6
- Stock footage 5
- 26th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 4
- News file 4
- News file 4
- News file 4
- 25th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 3
- Breakwater Island Trust 3
- NQTV News Monday 3
- News file 3
- QSTV news file 3
- QTV station ID 3
- QTV station ID 3
- Special Children’s Christmas Party 3
- Ten News openers 3
- Animal refuge 2
- Beach 2
- Charters Towers sand heaps 2
- Combined Rural Traders promo 2
- Cyclone warnings 2
- Drag racing 2
- Dynasty Restaurant 2
- Edited news file 43 2
- Endeavour Foundation Activity Therapy Centre 2
- Fifty years of Doug Carey 2
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels compile 2
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 2
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 2
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 2
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 2
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 2
- Interview footage 2
- Interview with Queensland Water Resources Commission representative 2
- Just4Kids Motor Trail 2
- Mike Carney Toyota commercials 2
- NQTV News Friday 2
- NQTV News Thursday 2
- NQTV News Tuesday 2
- NQTV News episode in October 1987 2
- NQTV news file 2
- National news file 2
- News file 2
- News file footage 2
- News file footage 2
- News file 2
- News file 2
- News file 2
- Pan Australian Mining 2
- Pandora Expedition 2
- QSTV news file 2
- QSTV news file 2
- QTV station ID 2
- QTV station ID 2
- QTV station ID 2
- QTV station ID 2
- QTV station ID 2
- QTV station ID 2
- Racing Capricorn 2
- Rodeo tape 2 day 3 2
- Rugby compilation 2
- Shane Edgley compilation 2
- Shane Edgley 2
- Special Children’s Christmas Party 1999 2
- Sports footage compilation 2
- Stock footage 2
- Stock footage 2
- Stock footage 2
- Stock footage 2
- Stock footage 2
- Ten News stories compilation 2
- Ten News 2
- Ten Townsville operations 2
- Townsville College of TAFE promo 2
- Townsville Suns 2
- Townsville development promotional 2
- University of Queensland Seismological Station 2
- Various aviation industry footage 2
- "1989 holiday in the snow" 1
- "282 DAYS" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #10, far north Queensland, Millaa Millaa Falls 1
- "282 DAYS" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #9, far north Queensland, Lake Barrine 1
- "282 Days" Documentaru sunset shots master 1
- "282 Days" Documentary aerial shots of Townsville and Magnetic Island master 1
- "282 Days" Documentary motor boat club luncheon scene master 1
- "282 Days" Documentary shots of KGRN shopping town, boiling billy 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, Ravenswood, Townsville, Ayr, Home Hill tape #3 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, tape #11, Kuranda Markets 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, tape #12, Kuranda Markets and Railway 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, tape #13 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, tape #6, far north Queensland 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, tape #7, far north Queensland, Cairns Airport footage 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #1, Charters Towers and Ravenswood 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #2, Charters Towers and Ravenswood 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #4, Ayr, Home Hill, Bowen 1
- "282 Days" documentary and station closer, wild footage, tape #5, Bowen sunset, beach 1
- "282 Days" documentary, FNQ 10 Wild Footage, NWEA, Cane Harvesting, Trawlers, Daintree, QANTAS Jumbo, Quicksilver, Tinaroo Dam – Aerials, Cairns – Aerials T#23 1
- "282 Days" documentary, Townsville at night, Panorama House 1
- "282 Days" documentary, aerials of Townsville and Magnetic Island 1
- "282 Days" documentary, tape #16, news footage, Westmark Bridge, Townsville shots 1
- "282 Days" documentary, wild footage, tape #15, Townsville and Westmark Bridge opening 1
- "Edenvale" 1
- "Highway One - the road north" 1
- "It all points north" news file 1
- "Last days at Channel Ten" 1
- "Northern life" 1
- "The Runners" opener closer 1
- "The Runners" segment 2 1
- "Turning the tide" 1
- "Unfinished Business" Leah King - Exhibition and opening (2) 1
- 10 minutes of NAIDOC march, Uncle Bill 2 flags near end 1
- 10th ITT Sheraton Pacific Planners Meeting 1
- 1982 Foley Shield part 2 1
- 1983 Fun Run 1
- 1983 extensions to Mater Hospital, Princess Mahsuri to Townsville Maiden Voyage 1
- 1984 development bureau master 1
- 1988 Equaliser Triathlon 1
- 1998 A Year in Pictures "News master" 1
- 1998 Townsville floods compile, promos, updates 1
- 21st birthday "ID" material 1
- 21st birthday master (2) 1
- 24th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 1
- 24th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 1
- 25th anniversary documentary footage 1
- 25th anniversary documentary footage tape #2 1
- 25th anniversary documentary footage tape #3 1
- 25th anniversary documentary footage tape #4 1
- 26th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 1
- 26th Toyota Fraser Island Fishing Expo 1
- 4AY Lucky $Note 1
- 4TO station history 1
- 7 Central launch promos 1
- 91 Oktoberfest master 1
- A day on the Great Barrier Reef 1
- A preview of the "new" Hayman 1
- AAMI Magnetic Island Swim 1
- ANL terminal 23/07/1984 1
- ANL terminal 27/07/1984 1
- ANZAC Day coverage 1975 1
- ARO (Aeroplane) club 18-07-1983 1
- Abbot Point coal terminal opening 1
- Abbot Point tape 2 coal, aerials of Abbot Pt coal depot 27/2/1984 1
- Aboriginal and Islander Teacher Education Program commercial 1
- Achievements 1988-89 Northern Division 1
- Administration building for the Federal Department of Defence at Lavarack Barracks 1
- Advertising recording 1
- Aerial shots of Green Island and the Great Barrier Reef 1
- Air and sea search interviews news 26-07-1983 1
- Air sea search 26-07-1983 1
- Airplane ticket prices 1
- Airport shots for pilot strike 03-10-1983 1
- Alison Peters weather presenter audition 1
- Amazing Queensland BVU dub (silent) 1
- Amigos Mangos party, Garbutt 1
- Anchor damage on reef 1
- Angliss Group promo 1
- Annandale Estate sales promo 1
- Ansett 727 1
- Ansett Airlines Boeing 767 test flight 1
- Ansett jet 1
- Anti-uranium mining protest 1
- Anything Goes Show File 30/5/83 1
- Aquarius on the Beach 1
- Argyle Diamond Mines 24-03-1983 1
- Army survival training 1
- Assorted stock footage 1
- Athletics meeting 1
- Australian Defence Force 1
- Australian Institute of Management presentation; orchids 1
- Australian trainee system news footage 1
- Ayr centenary 1
- BMS LaserSat advertisements 1
- Balgal Beach 1
- Balgal Beach tape 1 20-02-1985 1
- Barbecue, hills hoist 1
- Barge In Restaurant fire, Burdekin Bridge incident 1
- Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE 1
- Battle of Coral Sea 50 years 1
- Beach football 1
- Beach football game 1
- Ben Lomond Mine Site and Keelbottom Creek 28/06/83 (#1 of 2) 1
- Ben Lomond mine site 10-05-1983 1
- Bentley Estate promo 1
- Best of Newsweek 1983 1
- Best of Newsweek 1983 no. 2 tape 15/011/1983 1
- Best of Newsweek 1983 part two 1
- Better Homes and Lifestyle Show commercial 1
- Bill Hayden 13-06-1983 1
- Billabong Park tape 3 1
- Billabong Sanctuary for Kids’ Army 1
- Birdsville 1
- Birdsville 1
- Birthday message 1
- Blackjack Mine tape one 1
- Blackjack Mine tape two 1
- Bluewater Park promo 1
- Bluewater Park sales 1
- Board inspection of Queen's Hotel for new studio TNQ7 1
- Boat launching 1
- Bob Hawke interview and Thorn Awards 1
- Bob Hawke press conference 1
- Bob Hawke 1
- Bohle cattle sale 1989 1
- Bowen coke works 16/10/1984 1
- Bowen interviews 1
- Bowen 1
- Box jellyfish 1
- Brass rubbing 1
- Breakwater Island Trust 1992-1993 1
- Bredl Park 14/06/84 1
- Brewarrina interviews 1
- Bridget Hopkinson's 100th birthday 1
- Building demolition on Sturt Street 1
- Bulk sugar terminal fire (silent) 1
- Bull riding commercial 1
- Burdekin Agricultural College 1
- Burdekin Agricultural College footage 1
- Burdekin Dam, river in flood 1
- Burdekin Wilderness Lodge 1
- Burdekin dam footage 1
- Burns, Philp & Co. Ltd. 1
- Bushland Beach development promo 1
- C.K. Carmody 1
- C.K. Carmody funeral 1
- C.K. Carmody news clips 1
- C.K. Carmody retirement 1
- Cable work 1
- Cairns International Airport 1981 1
- Cairns Mall, Wine man, power down, art show 22/07/1983 1
- Cairns and Charters Towers 1
- Cairns high-rise buildings 1
- Cairns monuments 1
- Cairns stock footage 1
- Cairns tribunal hearing 1
- Cane field and interview 08-08-1983 1
- Cape Tribulation Road protest interview 1
- Cape Tribulation tape 1
- Capitol Chinese Restaurant 1
- Cardwell 1
- Casino construction 1
- Cattle auction 1
- Cattle lick blocks 1
- Cedar Bay 16-04-1983 1
- Centenary of Australian Army, Townsville 1
- Channel Ten Christmas party tape 2 1
- Charters Towers Crown Hotel fire 1
- Charters Towers Venus Gold Battery 1
- Charters Towers drought weir footage 1
- Charters Towers gold mine story for Kids’ Army 1
- Cheergirls 2002/2003 season 1
- Children dental therapy 1
- Christmas at the Mall advertisement 1
- Cleveland Bay Handicap 1973 1
- Cleveland Bay Wastewater Plant 1
- Closing NQ Games Shanes tape 1 of 1 1
- Cluden 2 Newsweek 28/07/1984 1
- Cluden Races (picnic in the park) 1
- Coal and Queensland 1
- Coastal surveillance of the Great Barrier Reef 1
- Coastal surveillance pilot 1
- Coastwatch Skywest radar 01/06/84 Newsweek 1
- Coconut Island solar power station 1
- Community public health 1
- Compilation of news stories 03-01-1985 1
- Cooktown Cup 1
- Cootharinga Society of North Queensland 1
- Cootharinga Society of North Queensland 1
- Copper refineries tape two 1
- Coral Princess; Reef Link 1
- Corals 1
- Corbetts Liquor Barns Commercial 1
- Cotters Market 1
- Countdown to NBL season 2000 1
- Country music festival spare, nine mile run 1
- Courage and hope 1
- Court building 20/02/84 1
- Cowboys film inclusion 1
- Cowboys tape 6 1
- Cricket and tennis ticket prices 1
- Cricket; triathlon 1
- Croc attack opener 1
- Crocs vs Cairns Taipans compile master tape 3 1
- Crocs vs Sydney Kings 25-01-2002 1
- Cros vs Brisbane Bullets 1
- Cunnamulla-Eulo "Festival of Opals" 1
- Cyclone Althea 1
- Cyclone Althea C16 11 1
- Cyclone Celeste advice 1
- Cyclone Justin 1
- Cyclone Justin tracking 1
- Cyclone Rona, Pandora Expedition 1999 1
- Cyclone Season special 2001 1
- Cyclone Watch stings 1
- Cyclone Watch theme and siren track 1
- Cyclone clean up C16 1
- Cylcone Justin C91 1
- D.C. Motors advertisement 1
- Dal Roberts commercial 1
- Dalrymple Hotel and Cleveland Entertainment Centre promo 1
- Darren Kennedy and George Fennemore 1
- Darryl White 1
- David Peachey 1
- Deaf children in the classroom 1
- December 1984 news stories 1
- Deeragun Community Centre 1
- Denis Hinton 1
- Dianne Copper Mine opening 1
- Dinner function 1
- Dirt track racing 1
- Domestic airport construction exterior, Australian and Ansett jets 1
- Dotswood Station 1
- Doug Tarca Reef Link 1
- Dr Thompson arrest 1
- Drag race footage various 1
- Eddie Riddle Pro Tackle commercials 1
- Edited news file 34 1
- Edited news file 35 1
- Edited news file 36 1
- Edited news file 37 1
- Edited news file 38 1
- Edited news file 39 1
- Edited news file 40 1
- Edited news file 42 1
- Edited news file 44 1
- Edited news file 46 1
- Edited news file 47 1
- Edited news file 50 1
- Edited news file 9 1
- Edited news tape 11 1
- Edited news tape 12 1
- Edited news tape 13 1
- Edited news tape 14 1
- Edited news tape 15 1
- Edited news tape 16 1
- Edited news tape 18 1
- Edited news tape 19 1
- Edited news tape 22 1
- Edited news tape 23 1
- Edited news tape 24 1
- Edited news tape 25 1
- Edited news tape 26 1
- Edited news tape 28 1
- Edited news tape 30 1
- Edited news tape 31 1
- Edited news tape 32 1
- Edited news tape 33 1
- Edited news tape 34 1
- Edited news tape eight 1
- Edited news tape five 1
- Edited news tape four 1
- Edited news tape one 1
- Edited news tape seven 1
- Edited news tape six 1
- Edited news tape ten 1
- Edited news tape three 1
- Escott Lodge footage 1
- Escott Lodge; Mornington Island 1
- Extensions to Townsville Motor Boat Club and Marina 1
- Exterior shots of TNQ7 archival footage 1
- F111 14/11/1984 1
- FNQ News tape 01-11-1984 1
- Family Fishing Classic 1989 1
- Far Northern Pools 1
- Feed supplements for beef cattle 1
- Festival of the Arts shots of construction 1
- Fighter jets, Volga-Dnepr plane stock footage 1
- File - Townsville roads and construction on Nathan Street and parking metres 1
- Fireworks show tape two 1
- First Ayr Water Ski Carnival 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 2004 show reel 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels miscellaneous 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' 4 Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish 'n' Four Wheels 1
- Fish weigh-in; hotel emergency drill 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels Seven promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 10 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 11 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 12 segments 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 3 segments 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 4 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 6 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 7 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 8 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode 9 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode five promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode four promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode one promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels episode three promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels lake footage 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels master 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels next promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels promos 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fish ‘n’ 4 Wheels 1
- Fishing boats 1
- Fishing boats 1 tape 16-05-1983 1
- Fishing fleet Ross Creek 1
- Fishing tournament footage 1
- Fishing tournament interview; marathon news report 1
- Fishing zones in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 1
- Flamingo Bay 07/08/1984 1
- Flick and company interview 1
- Flinders Mall 1
- Flinders Mall 1984 New Year's Eve celebrations 1
- Flinders Mall construction 1
- Flinders Mall opening 1979 1
- Flood story compile tape 2 1
- Flooded roads 1
- Floods no. 2 near Ingham 1
- Flying foxes 1
- Footage for Achievements 1988-89 Northern Division 1
- Footage for Ten News promos 1
- Footage of cattle 1
- Foxwood 1
- Fraser Island 1
- Fraser Island aerials 1
- Fuel shortage for aviation industry 1
Show More
- Title...
- Organisation 30
- People and Families25
- Photograph14944
- Photograph Album1
- Place128
- Publication51
- Suburb47
- Video79
Show More
- The 2019 Monsoon Collection 127
- Cochrane Collection 1
- The Character of Townsville 1991 1
- Quelch Forno Collection 378
- Philip Leong OAM Collection 1
- McDonald Family Collection 22
- O'Brien Collection 1
- Carramar Collection 1
- Queensland Post Office Directories 1
- Hillman Family Collection 1
- The Alex Trotter Collection 1
- Natural Disasters 464
- Celebrations 62
- Places 89
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