Name Sherriff ParkDescriptionIn 1881, Tertius Martin 'TM' and Anne Mary Sherriff purchased approximately 56 acres of land in the suburb of Mundingburra and built a large family home known as Briarfield.
At the Briarfield estate the Sherriff family undertook cattle grazing and later dairy farming. In the early 1900s part of the property was share farmed by Chinese market gardeners. During World War II (1942-1945) the whole property, including the family home, was commandeered for use as a military hospital (2/14 Australian General
Hospital). After the war the property was subdivided for urban development.
Tertius Martin ‘TM’ Sherriff was a pioneer who contributed to Townsville’s early development as an Alderman for some time during the 1890s and a Justice of the Peace. Civic minded like her husband, Anne Mary actively supported charities and religious
organisations. The area known today as Sherriff Park was purchased by the Townsville City Council in 1950 for recreational use as a parkland.Geolocation[1]